Join us for a panel @

Join us for a panel @

"Circulations of STS research(ers) and good academic research practice and working conditions"

stsing members Céline Gressel, Baldeep Kaur, Paula Helm, and Julie Mewes organise a panel related to their engagement in stsing's best practices group for the upcoming Conference at RWTH Aachen


This panel interprets the concept of 'circulations' in terms of the non-tenured faculty who are forced to literally circulate between various employment locations. This pattern of precarious and disruptive employment conflicts with the 'good' academic practices that we aspire to. These practices pertain to both academic research as well as the work conditions in which this research is carried out. We do not want to normalize these precarious conditions within the neoliberal academy in Germany. Rather, we argue that these conditions are manufactured by the lack of basic funding, the resulting dependence on third-party funds and the proliferation of short-term contracts for non-tenured academic staff. In this panel, we will focus on the question of how to facilitate conditions for ‘good’ work and research practice in STS in Germany. Regardless of employment status, we consider this to be a collective concern which should be addressed actively by tenured employers and employees alike.

The invited speakers, Ruth Müller & Aysel Sultan (TU Munich), Azadeh Akbari (University of Twente), and Daniel Müller (Network against Abuse of Power in Science & University of Siegen), will tackle the issue from a research and activist perspective within short impulse speeches followed by an informed discussion. The panel discussion aims to collect, further develop and spread ideas on individual and collective responsibilities for future action and activism.

The panel takes place on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, in session slot 1 from 16:00–18:00