Get involved

There are many possibilities to get involved with stsing and contribute to its further development:

Become a member

To apply as a member of the stsing association, we kindly ask you to fill out the application form available and send a filled-out and signed version to stsing fosters the visibility of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and its engagement with society. It aims for more inclusive and participatory science and technology. The association offers an infrastructure for networking and exchange while it also supports regional STS initiatives in Germany. The work of the association is distributed across working groups engaging in various topics and issues.

Membership fee

The regular annual membership fee is 10 €. However, you can choose between three options:

  • Pay a membership fee of 10 €
  • Pay a membership fee of 11-50 €, choosing your individual support.
  • Pay a membership fee of more than 50 €, emphasising your vital contribution.

Please find more information on the membership form. The fee system has been approved during the recent general assembly and formally updated in February 2022.

Become a member of a working group

To get involved in the organising of stsing, we recommend you to become part of a working group. Apart from joining, it is also an option to establish one group yourself. You can find the present list of WGs and contact indications on the working groups' page.

Exchange on Mattermost The day-to-day communication of stsing is organised through the chat-platform Mattermost, an open-access alternative to the corporate Slack platform. Our Mattermost instance is hosted by Spline (Freie Universität Berlin).

We invite you to join this platform to engage with stsing members and other STS folks, take part in the discussions of stsing WGs or just participate as an onlooker and keep yourself updated on STS and stsing activities. You do not have to be a member of the stsing association to join this communication channel.
Here's a screenshot of the system with the general info on how to join.

Join Mattermost

In short,

Questions on Mattermost

  • Q: How can I change my password? A: log in to SPLINE account via and you will find the password global settings at the top of the page.
  • Q: How can I change my email address? A: log in to SPLINE account via and you will find the email address global settings at the top of the page.
  • Q: I have another question. Whom to contact? A: Write to us on Mattermost, or drop a message to our Mattermost organiser Jan Dittrich (part of the tech team) if you have any other questions.

Stay informed

To keep yourself updated on stsing matters, we also recommend to register for the DESTS newsletter, which is co-organised by stsing.