

stsing e.V. is an association (“Verein”) doing Science and Technology Studies (STS) in and through Germany, established in 2020. STS is an interdisciplinary field of research and activity interested in how science and technology are practically done and socially embedded. The association stsing is informed by international discussions and receives attention from plenty of senior and early career researchers. We are currently in the process of preparing and implementing fresh modes for gathering.

We value creative and experimental formats. Even though this might translate into an affinity towards certain topics, stsing has no narrow thematic or disciplinary focus. We appreciate and foster diversity as well as international collaboration. This is also why we understand stsing as a multilingual project. Starting with an English setup of the website (the lingua franca of STS), we plan translations in German and other languages. stsing organized itself as a rhizomatic organization that is essentially member-driven. Members can form working groups and local hubs to get and work together on stsing-related issues from the grassroots. Bond by German law, as a registered association, apart from its working groups, stsing also has a formal and elected board. More than anything else, the board understands itself as a facilitator of member activities.

Please do reach out with general questions regarding stsing e.V. via info@stsing.org

Check our Satzung (statutes) to learn more about the association.

Last update: August 2023.


stsing has an ombudsgroup, which currently consists of five members. It decides on matters concerning the accessibility of the association, the reduction of discrimination within the association, the cooperation of all members within the association, and the behaviour of members in other professional functions.
Ombudsgroup members are elected by stsing members for a period of two years.

Get in touch with the ombudsgroup via ombudsgroup@stsing.org

Members of the current ombudsgroup (2024-2026):

  • Melina Antonakaki
  • Laura Kocksch
  • Ingmar Lippert
  • Tahani Nadim
  • Alexander Schniedermann

The ombudsgroup works on the basis of our statues and stsings's code of conduct. Find out more about it and the Code of Conduct here.

stsing board

The board legally represents the stsing association (‘eingetragener Verein’ in Germany). It takes care of the administrative and financial issues of the organization and facilitates communication between members, working groups and local hubs. Board members are elected by stsing members for a period of two years.

Get in touch with the board via board@stsing.org

Members of the current board (2023-2025):

Members of the second board (2021-2023):

Members of the first board (2020-2021):


The association's founding goes back to an intensive discursive exchange, i.e. several meetings during larger conferences and an event in spring 2019 declared as organising. Afterwards, also due to the Covid-19 crisis, the organisation was advanced online.

There are reports on these events and where stsing is heading:

Founding members of stsing: