General Assembly 2023 | Announcement and Calls

General Assembly 2023 | Announcement and Calls

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stsing’s third general assembly will take place as a decentralised (i.e., online and on-site) event on the 5th of May 13:00-17:00h. Details on the preliminary agenda will be communicated very soon.

Call for nominations for the board

The election period of the current board comes to an end and stsing is currently looking for STSers interested in a nomination to join the future board. Please consider a (self-)nomination to be elected as a new member of the board for the next election period starting from August 2023 for 2 years. Do not hesitate to contact the current board, for example via info[at] if you have any questions about the responsibilities and opportunities that come with this role.

stsing needs you! Nominate yourself* to run for the board! Nominate your peers!

The current stsing board was elected during the second general assembly in autumn 2021 for two years. The nomination period for the new board has started and terminates with the presentation of nominees during the third general assembly on the 5th of May 2023. The election period will start in August 2023. To check the duties of board members, please see the 'about' section. Also, feel free to contact current board members if you have any questions about the practical work the position entails.

Who can stand for elections?

All registered members are eligible as candidates. Please consider joining as a member to receive active and passive voting rights for the upcoming general assembly. For this, get in touch with the membership office via membership[at]

Given stsing's grassroots organisation, we seek for a heterogenous and diverse board. This includes, that according to our statutes, §12, in German, the board is constituted of 3 Pre-Doc and 4 Post-Doc members of the association.

How can I nominate myself?

Please consider nominating yourself by sending an email to the election committee: elections[at]
Please add a short statement (up to 100 words) about your motivation and information about whether you are in the pre- or post-doctoral phase of your career (irrespective of whether you work in academia; professors are considered to be in their post-doctoral phase). Please also add a photo to be included on the website. During the election period, all statements will be made accessible to all members.

Call for new members of the Election Committee

The stsing working group ‘elections’ is responsible for gathering said nominations, their announcement during the GA and organising the digital infrastructure for the elections after the nomination. The group is currently looking for new members to join their team for the upcoming election(s). Please do get in touch with them via mattermost or elections[at] for more information or join right away!

Call for Hubs for the Third General Assembly (help needed)

The general assembly will take place as a decentralized event, but instead of each participating individually from their home, groups gather in several “regional hubs”, and participate together on zoom from these hubs – which can be a small office gathering, a picnic on the campus grass, a private home, a seminar room or indeed wherever you can meet and have a decent internet connection. Also, members of the board will run the general assembly via Zoom from different hubs, just as the panel discussions will take place via Zoom.

One of the core reasons for organising hubs is that we hope that the local gatherings after the general assembly will go to a local restaurant or a bar to have a bite and a drink. We’ll find a way to stay connected over the evening as well. Maybe we continue the panel discussion that will end the general assembly. We hope the 2023 stsing general assembly will thereby be a nice experience, which we believe happens when people (also) come together in person.

The local hubs can only be organized locally, so please consider organizing a hub in your area. Preferably, you communicate the hub to the stsing board, which will then announce the respective locations together with other information about the general assembly: board[at]