STS meets Marine Environments Part 2 with Ashley Carse and Isabelle Simpson

STS meets Marine Environments Part 2 with Ashley Carse and  Isabelle Simpson

 After a successful kick off with a Panel discussion: STS meets Marine Environments, Part 1 with Stefan Helmreich and Casper Bruun Jensen, the Marine stsing programme continues with stsing scholars sharing insights on their research and interesting discussions with the group.

STS meets Marine Environments, Part 2 will take place December 13th 2022 welcoming Ashley Carse (Vanderbilt Peabody College, USA) and Isabelle Simpson (McGill University Montréal, Canada). Join us on zoom 18:00pm-19:30pm, Meeting ID: 860 3088 2247 Code: 417686

If you are interested to become Part of the Marine STSing reading group or if you wished to be provided with texts, please email Ramona Haegele

Event poster (pdf)

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